Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Power of Nutrition!

My last few weeks have been plagued by some fairly disheartening moments. As you can remember I hit a plateau and felt like things were not all meshing as I had expected. I had been working out everyday and still eating pretty darn healthy. But I still felt like my digestion and body was not feeling the way it should. I am sure that depleted some of my energy and no doubt affected my exercise. I mentioned this to Terry and he said it was time for me to meet one of LFA’s big guns: Tim – the nutrition specialist.
I was of course excited to speak to someone, but also not sure there would be much answer. I am pretty knowledgeable on the subject of what to eat and what not to and knew I was doing fairly well. So when I told Tim I was eating whole foods, nothing processed, cutting out grains and had smoothies and was taking probiotics; I expected him to have nothing left. He was of course glad to hear all that I was doing and encouraged me to continue that. But having so much experience with dealing with folks with hard-hitting illnesses, my poorly working digestive system did not faze him. We discussed my habits and food purchases and Tim came up with a few good suggestions. For me it was making a grass fed beef broth, taking gelatin (again from grass fed beef), taking an Enzyme supplement and upping the amount of probiotics. Tim also pointed me to particualr sourdough bread that is top of the list of grains that can be digested most easily. I was stoked – I eagerly ordered my gelatin and enzymes and began cooking up my beef bones to make a broth (which is delicious by the way! – 20 hrs of bubbling goodness!)
It has been less than a week and I am already seeing a BIG effect. Today I felt the closest I have to what I imagine a well working gut and body should feel like. My mood was elevated because of all of this and when I got in the gym to workout with Terry today I was fired up! It makes the workout more enjoyable and I’m sure enables me to do more.
I feel like LFA has given me all the pieces of the puzzle the past 10 weeks and today is when I can see them all falling into place.
I now have two full weeks with Terry – everyday! I am totally stoked about it! A HUGE thanks to Tim Nollam – “The nutrition specialist.” I highly recommend meeting with him and the trainers at LFA to get a full reboot back to health.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

8 Week Update - pictures and statistics

Ok So its the 8 week mark and time to see the progress. Its definitely been slower and not for lack of effort. But its been great to be involved in this to help me keep going! I feel GREAT and am loving the whole journey! Thanks everyone at LFA!! Im hoping to really push myself for the last 4 weeks!! here we go!

Day 1.                          Week 4                       Week 8
Weight: 204 lbs              Weight: 197 lbs            Weight: 190 lbs   
Chest: 43                       Chest:39                      Chest: 38
Waist: 42                       Waist:37                       Waist: 35           
Thigh: 23                       Thigh: 22                      Thigh: 22   
Arm: 16                         Arm: 16                       Arm: 16            
Body Fat % 23.6              Body Fat % 21.7
BMI : 30.4                       BMI : 30.4

So more weight dropped - def slowed down and the slump was hard to battle through. But the drop in inches feels good! I forgot to do they Body Fat and BMI so will update those on Friday!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Surviving The Plateau

Anyone who has embarked on the daunting challenge of losing weight through exercise and healthy nutrition knows that at some point you hit a plateau. This is the moment that many find, frustration, disappointment, and confusion and for some this is the point when they fall off the wagon for good. The past week or so I have started to feel that. It has probably shown in the drop off in blog posts. I have continued to work out every day and in some instances harder off days, sprinting up hills for example. I still feel good, although I have had some inconsistencies in my digestion, which leaves me irritated at times. I am fitter, stronger and enjoying my workouts. So what happened? Well the simple answer is I stopped losing weight as I had been. In fact at one point I checked and I have gone up 1 pound. Now I am a big proponent of weight not being the best gauge of success, but still something inside me felt the slump from that.
So I decided I would not check my weight and just keep doing what I was doing; so I don’t really know where I am right now. I do know that it has taken a toll on me mentally; I cannot deny that. That niggling voice of failure, which instills doubt in myself. The idea that I am letting people down or not succeeding as I had hoped. Its all part of that sensation, that quitting is just much easier.
It is that moment when I am glad I am on a journey with Life Fitness Academy and that falling out is not an option. I know that each week I am going to show them and everyone following me, I am still going. It also helps as I write this to realize that I DO feel well, I DO love working out, I DO eat well and that my weight is not a indicator of my success. So I look forward with a renewed, uplifted spirit to continue and am thankful to have my trainers and supporters to have helped me past the slump. Yet another moment on this journey when having LFA has been vital to my success.
This week I am doing as many classes as I can. So I will be writing up some reviews of those this week! Tonight “Fitness Rave!” – come join me!