Re-Cap: Terry & the crew at LFA, agreed to take me through a 12-week course to show the progress I could make in that time. I was dedicated to that period, but new the ethos behind this was a full LIFE-long change. At about 10 weeks I was feeling fantastic. I had dropped a bunch of weight and was seeing a big leap in strength and fitness. I had, at about week 8, seen Tim the nutritionist, as I was having some issues and saw a great breakthrough after his consultation. Everything was on track. Then in the middle of a great workout, I crunched my lower back. It was quickly apparent I was seriously hurt. By that afternoon I could not stand up. I made a slow recovery, seeing a chiropractor and massage therapist. But I steadily slipped off in my diet, my workouts were non-existent and when I did try I got set backs with further injuries. I became pretty depressed.
I was in contact with the Life Fitness crew and getting encouragement. They knew I needed to ease back physically, but would have kicked my butt if they saw my dip in eating habits. I know for me, it’s always so much easier to eat well, when I am being active. Another reason I know I need to be working out and eating a good diet! The longer it went on, the more I regressed. I put back on weight, my fitness dropped and I felt worse and worse. My back had pretty much worked its way out; I was feeling some neck pain (a residual effect from the injury) but I knew I could get back into things. Now I just had another major issue to hurdle: pride.
I had been on track to show a perfect transformation. I was going to be the poster boy holding up my fat pants at the end of my course. But this is not a Hollywood ending, and this is no miracle diet pill. But what I did sign up for was a 12 Week 2 LIFE course with my new family at LFA. So I called Terry to ask what we should do with this experiment. I felt terrible that I was not going to be able to display the great stats we had been on course for, and part of me felt like I had let them all down. I had been a huge waste of their time. But Terry was not fazed at all. He was incredibly encouraging “don’t worry! Lets just pick back up!” During our conversation I realized the potential in this set back. The opportunity to show my resilience and to not allow a set back to be the final word.
So today I am not letting my pride prevent me from getting back up. I will not let my set back define my story. I have an incredible team at LFA and I know they will be there to pick back up with me. I want to be back on track, I know I am happier when I am exercising and eating well. I know I like the achievement that comes with all of this. Its time to shake off the dust, and take the first step back. I have green smoothies and home made broth ready to eat. I have a training session booked. But most importantly I have a group of encouragers around me. They may allow me to trip and stumble by myself, but they will always be there to help me back up. And that’s exactly what I am going to do.
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