Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pride and Fall: 12 Weeks 2 LIFE!

Re-Cap: Terry & the crew at LFA, agreed to take me through a 12-week course to show the progress I could make in that time. I was dedicated to that period, but new the ethos behind this was a full LIFE-long change. At about 10 weeks I was feeling fantastic. I had dropped a bunch of weight and was seeing a big leap in strength and fitness. I had, at about week 8, seen Tim the nutritionist, as I was having some issues and saw a great breakthrough after his consultation. Everything was on track. Then in the middle of a great workout, I crunched my lower back. It was quickly apparent I was seriously hurt. By that afternoon I could not stand up. I made a slow recovery, seeing a chiropractor and massage therapist. But I steadily slipped off in my diet, my workouts were non-existent and when I did try I got set backs with further injuries. I became pretty depressed.

I was in contact with the Life Fitness crew and getting encouragement. They knew I needed to ease back physically, but would have kicked my butt if they saw my dip in eating habits. I know for me, it’s always so much easier to eat well, when I am being active. Another reason I know I need to be working out and eating a good diet! The longer it went on, the more I regressed. I put back on weight, my fitness dropped and I felt worse and worse. My back had pretty much worked its way out; I was feeling some neck pain (a residual effect from the injury) but I knew I could get back into things. Now I just had another major issue to hurdle: pride.

I had been on track to show a perfect transformation. I was going to be the poster boy holding up my fat pants at the end of my course. But this is not a Hollywood ending, and this is no miracle diet pill. But what I did sign up for was a 12 Week 2 LIFE course with my new family at LFA. So I called Terry to ask what we should do with this experiment. I felt terrible that I was not going to be able to display the great stats we had been on course for, and part of me felt like I had let them all down. I had been a huge waste of their time. But Terry was not fazed at all. He was incredibly encouraging “don’t worry! Lets just pick back up!” During our conversation I realized the potential in this set back. The opportunity to show my resilience and to not allow a set back to be the final word.

So today I am not letting my pride prevent me from getting back up. I will not let my set back define my story. I have an incredible team at LFA and I know they will be there to pick back up with me. I want to be back on track, I know I am happier when I am exercising and eating well. I know I like the achievement that comes with all of this. Its time to shake off the dust, and take the first step back. I have green smoothies and home made broth ready to eat. I have a training session booked. But most importantly I have a group of encouragers around me. They may allow me to trip and stumble by myself, but they will always be there to help me back up. And that’s exactly what I am going to do.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What Happened? Where did I go?!

So my 12 Weeks 2 Life challenge hit a major road bump about a week and a half ago. I had enjoyed about three days of vastly improved nutrition and digestion and I was working out harder than ever before. I was really pumped up and enjoying the new energy! Then during a fairly routine exercise and also a low weight lift, I leaned back and crunched my lower back. What I thought was a twinge rapidly deteriorated and despite stretching it quickly became apparent I was hurt. I went home, laid on the floor and tried to interchange some heat and ice. At the point I realized I could not stand up by myself the icing ended (as I couldn’t get to the freezer) I was in extreme pain and when I did finally get assistance standing my torso was seriously jacked out to one side. It looked weird.
After a rough night and no improvement over night, my wife insisted I went to a chiropractor. Now I don’t have a great opinion of such practices (no offense) but with my pain level and immobility I was willing to try anything. After some scans and examination I was diagnosed with a bulging disc. I have since then been getting aligned and having some sports massages to keep working on this. My pain and mobility has been improving. I have however not been able to exercise for the whole time and frankly I am going a little stir crazy.
I have decided today that my pain level is low enough to get back into the swing of things. I have dipped a little on my nutrition too, as so often happens without exercise. I do not feel great. I am however super excited to get back on track. What does this mean for 12 Weeks 2 Life? Well it means this process is for LIFE. So this hurdle is just that, something to be moved over and to continue on as before. I would much rather get an injury from being active than straining myself during a reach for the TV controller. I am going to restart the process and give myself a couple more weeks to fulfill the 12 weeks. But due to this set back I am going to extend my goal and this study. I will after the 2 weeks check back in every 4 weeks to show the continued progress and to maintain the Life goal in all this.
Back to it tomorrow!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Power of Nutrition!

My last few weeks have been plagued by some fairly disheartening moments. As you can remember I hit a plateau and felt like things were not all meshing as I had expected. I had been working out everyday and still eating pretty darn healthy. But I still felt like my digestion and body was not feeling the way it should. I am sure that depleted some of my energy and no doubt affected my exercise. I mentioned this to Terry and he said it was time for me to meet one of LFA’s big guns: Tim – the nutrition specialist.
I was of course excited to speak to someone, but also not sure there would be much answer. I am pretty knowledgeable on the subject of what to eat and what not to and knew I was doing fairly well. So when I told Tim I was eating whole foods, nothing processed, cutting out grains and had smoothies and was taking probiotics; I expected him to have nothing left. He was of course glad to hear all that I was doing and encouraged me to continue that. But having so much experience with dealing with folks with hard-hitting illnesses, my poorly working digestive system did not faze him. We discussed my habits and food purchases and Tim came up with a few good suggestions. For me it was making a grass fed beef broth, taking gelatin (again from grass fed beef), taking an Enzyme supplement and upping the amount of probiotics. Tim also pointed me to particualr sourdough bread that is top of the list of grains that can be digested most easily. I was stoked – I eagerly ordered my gelatin and enzymes and began cooking up my beef bones to make a broth (which is delicious by the way! – 20 hrs of bubbling goodness!)
It has been less than a week and I am already seeing a BIG effect. Today I felt the closest I have to what I imagine a well working gut and body should feel like. My mood was elevated because of all of this and when I got in the gym to workout with Terry today I was fired up! It makes the workout more enjoyable and I’m sure enables me to do more.
I feel like LFA has given me all the pieces of the puzzle the past 10 weeks and today is when I can see them all falling into place.
I now have two full weeks with Terry – everyday! I am totally stoked about it! A HUGE thanks to Tim Nollam – “The nutrition specialist.” I highly recommend meeting with him and the trainers at LFA to get a full reboot back to health.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

8 Week Update - pictures and statistics

Ok So its the 8 week mark and time to see the progress. Its definitely been slower and not for lack of effort. But its been great to be involved in this to help me keep going! I feel GREAT and am loving the whole journey! Thanks everyone at LFA!! Im hoping to really push myself for the last 4 weeks!! here we go!

Day 1.                          Week 4                       Week 8
Weight: 204 lbs              Weight: 197 lbs            Weight: 190 lbs   
Chest: 43                       Chest:39                      Chest: 38
Waist: 42                       Waist:37                       Waist: 35           
Thigh: 23                       Thigh: 22                      Thigh: 22   
Arm: 16                         Arm: 16                       Arm: 16            
Body Fat % 23.6              Body Fat % 21.7
BMI : 30.4                       BMI : 30.4

So more weight dropped - def slowed down and the slump was hard to battle through. But the drop in inches feels good! I forgot to do they Body Fat and BMI so will update those on Friday!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Surviving The Plateau

Anyone who has embarked on the daunting challenge of losing weight through exercise and healthy nutrition knows that at some point you hit a plateau. This is the moment that many find, frustration, disappointment, and confusion and for some this is the point when they fall off the wagon for good. The past week or so I have started to feel that. It has probably shown in the drop off in blog posts. I have continued to work out every day and in some instances harder off days, sprinting up hills for example. I still feel good, although I have had some inconsistencies in my digestion, which leaves me irritated at times. I am fitter, stronger and enjoying my workouts. So what happened? Well the simple answer is I stopped losing weight as I had been. In fact at one point I checked and I have gone up 1 pound. Now I am a big proponent of weight not being the best gauge of success, but still something inside me felt the slump from that.
So I decided I would not check my weight and just keep doing what I was doing; so I don’t really know where I am right now. I do know that it has taken a toll on me mentally; I cannot deny that. That niggling voice of failure, which instills doubt in myself. The idea that I am letting people down or not succeeding as I had hoped. Its all part of that sensation, that quitting is just much easier.
It is that moment when I am glad I am on a journey with Life Fitness Academy and that falling out is not an option. I know that each week I am going to show them and everyone following me, I am still going. It also helps as I write this to realize that I DO feel well, I DO love working out, I DO eat well and that my weight is not a indicator of my success. So I look forward with a renewed, uplifted spirit to continue and am thankful to have my trainers and supporters to have helped me past the slump. Yet another moment on this journey when having LFA has been vital to my success.
This week I am doing as many classes as I can. So I will be writing up some reviews of those this week! Tonight “Fitness Rave!” – come join me!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Green Smoothie Weekend - The Reset Button

So this weekend marked the half way point in the 12 Weeks 2 Life program AND the crunch point in the nutrition course. A two-day period of ONLY green smoothies as prescribed by Terry. This recipe has kale, avocado, banana, berries, spinach and either some kefir or coconut water. It’s actually a pretty hefty thing to consume; I did not really feel hungry, but its still def a challenge. I personally do well with fasting and strict nutrition (for periods of time) so when this morning came I decided to roll one more smoothie and then just a very easy day of vegetarian diet. Terry explains this smoothie fast as a reset button for the body and I feel GREAT for it. I am dead on for my expected weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week, at 6 weeks and exactly 12 pounds down.
I had a killer workout with Ashley today and I am seeing a good improvement in fitness. I came back and had lettuce spinach and boiled egg and frankly, food never tasted so good!

This week I am going to highlight some of the classes offered at Life Fitness Academy each week. They are high quality workouts and for those who need a good routine, this is a great way to go!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Back on track! Lumber-jack workout and more!

So I have neglected my blogging a little the past few days. But most importantly, I have not let up on the nutrition and exercise. After a few ups and downs last week, Terry tried to bring me back into gear with what he called “the lumber-jack workout.” He had me throwing around a 55lb-boxing bag. It’s cumbersome to say the least. I was flipping, juggling, lifting, pressing, throwing, and squeezing that thing. Interlaced with some swinging of a sledge hammer and I was pumped up! It was a fun workout for sure and I felt like I shook off a couple of bad days. At that time I decided to delay my weekend of green smoothies for next, as I wanted to have a solid week before it. I knew I had Russ this week and that meant 5:30am starts; so my days have a good early start!
Russ did not disappoint. We kicked off Monday morning with a predominantly chest and shoulders circuit. It’s amazing what those extra reps will do for you, and with a spotter, encourager and dictator (ha) I know every workout I push harder. Russ did a good mix of low and high weights so I could really feel the burn. We always hit the pool after and it’s a great way to unwind, stretch and get a little extra cardio. On Tuesday we met for a run at the green way in our neighborhood. It was at this time I realized in almost 6 weeks of training I had not been on one run! It occurred to me how many people don’t like to exercise, or try to lose weight, because they think they have to run a lot to do so. Its not true – come work out with these guys; you will see even better results! Then Wednesday Russ put me through my paces, running stairs and laps. Then outside into the humid, Tennessee heat. He pushed me through some super hard circuit work on the benches in the fields. It always feels so great to dip and jut and sprint around. Leaping over things and feeling every muscle work, dripping in sweat and always trying to catch my breath. It feels like being a kid again!
It’s been a great turnaround since my last post. I have been sticking to a strict diet this week. Terry told me to stick to phase 1 of the makers diet list of foods. This is in preparation for the weekend of green smoothies ahead. I am also going to be taking Russ' class STRABS this evening so look for my post on that tomorrow. Check it out HERE.. why not come with me!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Finding Balance - Shake off the dust!

The first 4-weeks I felt went pretty smoothly. I did not plan much else and just focused on finding a rhythm. I have always been pretty “all or nothing” so throwing myself in headfirst is not uncommon or that difficult for me. This week however has thrown up some different challenges. I have had two days in a row of travel, eating out and late nights. Also both nights I had caffeine at midnight to help me stay the course. Today is the day after this lull and I am fighting the feeling of failure. Now I did manage to go to the gym early and I managed one meal a day that was pretty good nutritionally. But I am finding it hard to shake off this feeling of being off track. And this I know is a good challenge to go through. Life is going to throw up inconsistencies, I just need to learn to be ok with it and ready to get back on track.
So today I am back with Terry, I had a light healthy breakfast and lunch and am excited to get back to eating well, sleeping well and working out well. I guess the speed of recovery in these situations is in itself a part of the learning process. And having this team of people to do the journey with makes it so much easier. Also it’s important to learn to enjoy the moments of being out late for fun, maybe eating something naughty or having an extra beer. Its going to be ok to do those things once in a while, and it will be easier to do so when I have proven to myself I can find the balance to go back to my new healthy lifestyle – it is for LIFE this time.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4 Week Update - Pictures & Stats!

Ok So its the 4 week mark and time to see the progress. 1/3 of the way in and i am definitely seeing some changes!

Day 1.                               Day 30                                    
Weight: 204 lbs                  Weight: 197 lbs                          
Chest: 43                           Chest:39                                  
Waist: 42                           Waist:37                                   
Thigh: 23                           Thigh: 22
Arm: 16                            Arm: 16                                    
Body Fat % 23.6              Body Fat % 21.7
BMI : 30.4                       BMI : 30.4

Total of 10 inches lost!! in 30 days. I think the body fat % and BMI may not have been right on one of these times.. but i am happy with the results so far. 8 weeks to go!! i will do another one of these in 4 weeks..

Friday, July 8, 2011

Terry turns up the heat & sends me to Boot Camp Class with Ashley!

So this week I began with Terry – I am a little nervous each time I start a new trainer. I know Terry so I know he gives it all 110%. But I am impressed by the communication between trainers and each time they know where I am at as far as levels, weights etc. Terry certainly knew his stuff and had me using a lot of body weight to really bring a good burn to each set of exercises. There were tractor tires, sledgehammers, indoor, outdoors, and weights – the full gamut as I have come to expect. I have done two workouts with him so far and have another today – wish me luck!
Terry also decided I needed to refine my nutrition for a few days of high greens and veggies and little to no meat. I can say it has really shown a benefit to my digestion. I was also told that instead of my usual between days of jogging and swimming I should hit some of the classes (gulp) I agreed.

Boot Camp Class - Ashley
So on what used to be my off day – I show up to the LFA gym to go through a boot camp class. There were a few other folks doing the class too, and all of varying fitness levels. Ashley took us through a merciless set of moves that were great as they could be modified according to your own level. These would do the trick if this was your first workout or you’re an Adonis. It’s a fun experience working out in these groups; there are a few laughs and some comradery to ease the pain. But also the encouragement of a group to keep you motivated. 
I especially liked to see when one lady who had picked up an injury could not do a certain exercise but was still keen to work the same muscles. Ashley helped her modify a different move while the rest of us pressed on. It was great to see the determination of our fellow boot class members and the professionalism of Ashley. By the end of the class we all shared a satisfied smile of completion and I know I could feel I had been through another full body workout! This is a GREAT after work class – I highly recommend it!

I am about to hit the 4-week mark and only 1/3 of my way through the 12 Weeks 2 Life program. It is certainly working, it does take commitment and effort, but with a team like this behind you; it’s made much, much easier!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why I needed a personal trainer and why we all need one.

I began this journey with the team at Life Fitness Academy just a few weeks ago. We called it 12 Weeks 2 Life and already I can see that “life” coming back into me. But what has become more and more apparent to me in these past three weeks is just how much I have benefited from having a trainer. I am just going to go through some of my observations so far.
I have mentioned this before but it’s certainly worthy of repeating. In fifteen different sessions with four different trainers I have maybe seen three or four exercises repeated. The constant variations and changes in the workouts keep my mind interested and my body working. The incredible thing is that after each one, my whole body has been worked. We all think we will mix up our training on our own, but I am sure we can all attest to the fact that we find a comfort zone and stick to it. The other unexpected result is just how much more I put in when being encouraged and just being watched. I would say I would get about 25% extra each time. Lets face it; it’s much easier to duck out of that last set of reps when no one else knows. I can attest that I am seeing far different results and staying more focused when I have a team behind me.
This brings me to the idea of having people on this journey with you. I know that I have a group of people who want to see me succeed and are monitoring my results. It’s a type of accountability partner but instead of being heavy on the guilt its more an encouragement from a group of people who passionately believe in a healthy, active lifestyle. Its also surprised me just how many times I have had questions concerning the form in my exercises, how often to do things, stretching and nutrition! I must ask these guys ten questions a day!
So on the days I have wanted to delay my workout (read: don’t do workout) Or when I have been a little lackluster in energy, or when almost wavered on my lunch decision, or when I tried to lift that heavy weight with my back in danger of snapping or simply for that yell of encouragement to push me through on my last few reps. Each time I have realized how valuable it has been to have a trainer with me. If you are serious about getting back into shape and changing toward a all around healthy lifestyle, I would say a trainer, nutritionist and family-like support team like you get at LFA – is a must! CONTACT THEM HERE

It’s worth noting that they will work a system suited to your specific needs, so don’t hesitate to call up and just talk through what they can do for you! I already feel like a new man! Phone: 615-562-2633

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ashley the motivator!

Last week I had two more sessions with Ashley and she continued to mix things up on me. I am constantly blown away by the armory of moves all the trainers have and how each one has a different set. Ashley loves to use the out doors, stairs and outdoor seating etc. She also has a lot of moves that require some (not a lot) but some coordination, which always seems to be improving my reflexes as well as working my whole body.
I could tell I was starting to improve in my level of fitness and managed to do a little more in some areas. However on my last session I felt a little drained quicker. I later realized that I had made a smoothie that morning instead of my usual four eggs, turkey bacon and spinach. I could certainly feel my energy wane. It was good to see how nutrition affected me for different meals and times.
I really enjoyed my workouts with Ashley – I had three days off before I start with Terry today (cue scary music) On the middle day I veered from my usual hour of walking up hill and swimming. I retried the “Spartacus” workout I did on day 1 with Clay. It was still really hard and I don’t think I stretched well enough on my own. My butt really hurts – this did however start me thinking on all the benefits I have noticed having a personal trainer.. I am going to write about that next!
Over all I am feeling soooo much better. I did not follow my food diary as Ashley had told me too.. But I think Terry might have me do it, so this week I will try that.
Ok first session with Terry is today – wish me luck!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ashley kickin my gluteus maximus!

So I started week 3 with Ashley on Monday. Each week the trainers had been in contact with each other to update them on my progress, what I had been doing and anything else they should know. Its super professional and allows us to get straight to business. And that is exactly what happened. After a warm up on the rower, we went outside. I see a tall staircase and a huge tractor tire. I should also add that its hot, Tennessee hot. Ashley explains how she likes to do routines of essentially hard sprint type movements and then some motions that keep you moving but allow rest.
Before I know it I am running up and down stairs and flipping tires. The different versions of stair climbing and some dips. There was sweat literally pouring off me! We continued combinations of this and after a move that I was sure was going to make my gluteus maximus explode we moved inside. Ashley put me through my paces, lunging dipping, curling, and more. By then end I good lift no more muscles. The team here always assists you with stretching and I am really starting to see how great that is.
I discussed briefly nutrition and as I was already in the groove, Ashley suggested I keep a food diary to see if there is anything on there that I think is ok, that isn’t. I thought that was a great idea! It was a great workout and I’m looking forward to Wednesday.
Just as a side note, its also apparent to me, the more I do and the more I progress the more fun this all becomes! Its just a matter of taking that first step.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Russ has a last minute suprise!

So on Friday I had my third session with Russ. He pushed me through some more familiar moves focusing on push up and abdominal work, except with some great new variations that really worked to focus on specific areas. He liked to use the half shell medicine ball to work on stabilizers the whole time. It really caused me to use my core and again I felt my whole body being worked. Its great to have someone to really keep an eye on form, which I know is so important and when solo you never really know how you are doing. Then just as I thought we were done, he said “just one thing in the gym then the pool.” Well that one thing was suicide runs! Russ put me through my paces and when we reached round 3 he put the clock back on me, which really did make me push myself. I was exhausted. We hit the pool and its amazing how it makes you feel instantly energized. It had been a great week!
I continue to walk/jog/bike/swim on my days off. Nothing too crazy to ease my body into this and so I can give as much as possible on my sessions with the trainers. That’s where I am getting most. I am starting with Ashley on Monday and I’m excited (read: nervous) to see what she has in store for me!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A morning at the park with Russ - ha i wish!

Yesterday was my second session with Russell and half way through week two. First of all, I can’t explain how much better I feel already! There are still aches and pains and I am still at a very low fitness level, but I am seeing results and feeling good levels of improved mood and energy! Go see the guys at Life Fitness Academy and get your 12 weeks 2 Life started!
So Russ asked me if I was alright meeting him at our local green-way/park for our workout. I love being outdoors and the weather is great, so I jumped at it. Plus I was intrigued to see what he had up his sleeve. So at 530am we took a deep breath of fresh air and then using the park and trees went through a new set of interval style moves. Again emphasizing the use of body-weight exercises. Russ reiterates this and its importance, especially in the beginning stages. “It builds the stabilizer muscles that will help you achieve power and strength. This will really help avoid poor technique and avoid injury.” And of course they are all making me sweat my ass off!! By the end of the session my muscles burn, my legs are jelly and I look like I have taken a shower fully clothed. But I feel amazing.
As I sit on the bench, glad its over J Russ pulls out a recovery smoothie for me. It was full of berries, mango, banana, kale, spinach, egg and flax-seed. It was delicious. As I drank that he talked through my nutrition questions and offered some of his own advice and experience. We discussed portion sizes, regularity of meals and the types of foods to be eating and avoiding. By the end of that I felt the smoothie give me a renewed energy so I spent another hour split between walking on an incline and swimming. It was a great start to my day and a fun workout and nice to be outside to do it!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Week 2 - The age of Russel Hickman!!

So after a good first week, I was excited and a little anxious to see what Russ had in store for me. He called me on Sunday to chat a little about the week ahead. We agreed to keep going as I had been on the nutrition, and to sit down together to discuss some more detail and to offer me some more advice on Monday. Then came those dreaded words “so meet me at the gym at 5:30 am and we will get going”; gulp.

I decide to get to bed early but I was wide-awake! I have too much energy it seems. So finally by 11:something I nod off and at 1230 pm my 3-year-old son decided its time to get up. I don’t manage to get him to stay in his bed until 2:30am!! I think about texting Russ to ask for leniency, but I refrain. Then at 5:20am I am awoken by a text from Russ, saying he is on his way. My alarm had not gone off! But I will not be deterred, or rather the inspiration of meeting a trainer is enough to make me jump out of bed and get my ass to the gym. Lets face it, if I had not been working in this program; there is no way I would have been there.

So I arrive, just a few minutes after and am surprisingly energetic. Russ takes us through a warm up then to begin our workout. Russ encourages me through a good system of circuit training type moves. Russ is keen on using body weight as the resistance, and it works! I am thoroughly surprised at how effective I am finding these circuit style workouts that hit the full body throughout the whole time! As we hit the second set of moves my strength is noticeably fading and Russ helps guide me into modified versions of some of the moves to help me get to the end. Sometimes I feel like I need to be yelled at by a drill sergeant, but I will take the constant encouragement and motivation as I come to the end of my sets.

By the end I had jelly legs and sweat pouring. Russ likes to end these sessions with some time in the pool. So we do a stretch and then head to swim. We do a few laps which really helps stretch out the whole body and then tred water for about 5 mins and chat. As I got out the water I felt great! We are on a Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat schedule and days off doing some good walks. I did a 2 hr hike at Radnor Lake this morning and it felt great to stretch out, sweat and burn some calories surrounded be beauty! I’m feeling so much better already in just eight days!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

R&R – “Its ok to enjoy yourself!”

So after my workout Friday with Clay, he charged me with taking good walks over the weekend. That night I had planned to have dinner at my house with a bunch of friends. Some of them are the LFA crew. It seemed a great opportunity see if we could eat a healthy balanced meal and it still be delicious! I would say we knocked it out of the park, and everyone brought something to offer. We had a feast of salmon, chicken, peppers, cauliflower, carrots and quinoa. And with a decedent coconut macaroon at the end – I know it was healthy as the Bargas made it, but it certainly didn’t taste like health food! It was great to enjoy a meal with friends and to not have that bloated, lethargic feeling at the end. Eating better is more enjoyable; we just have to remind ourselves of that once in a while. And having a good group of friends that support a healthy lifestyle makes it all the more enjoyable!
The weekend was good; I could definitely feel some strains in my chest and hamstrings. So I took a long walk Saturday. Sunday I hit the gym and walked on an incline for one-hour then about 30 mins in the pool to stretch out my chest, and really, a great full body stretch.
I called in to Russ on Sunday to see what he had in mind for schedule. It was not what I wanted to hear! J

Friday, June 17, 2011

Days 3,4 & 5 - Clay the punisher! (haha - not really)

So after my night of sweats and sickness I turned up for my second workout with Clay. He had a different routine for me, using a set of movements and exercises in a similar circuit format. It’s amazing how tired I get so quickly. I know this is of course due to my low level of fitness. But it is also evident that this style of workout hits hard, in the right way. I am doing strength work, cardio and fat burning, in short high impact workouts. Today is day 5 and it was the same story. New moves but with the same result: a tired, sweaty but happy, me. I have definitely felt every muscle in my body being worked and triggered this week. I have been limited by my poor fitness but i am definitely feeling an immediate difference. I have been sticking to the nutrition list i have been given and am finding it easy to make meals and they taste good!
These first weeks can really be a frustrating time for people coming back from a long break from exercise. I can’t help but think it sucks that I can easily remember me much further along the road than I am today. But I am totally focused on the end results and each day i tell myself this will be the last time I let myself lull. This IS the beginning of a new, lifelong lifestyle. I'm really thankful to Clay; he was supportive and encouraging when needed and conscientious of my own levels and knowing where to push and where to guide me back from hurting myself. I’m aching and sore but it feels great. A nice reminder that there are some muscles under there and they want to be used! I have the weekend to walk a lot, which I will be wheeling my two boys around, and then starting Monday I will be beginning my week with Russell Hickman.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 2 - struggling.

So Day 2 almost threw a spanner in the works right away. I woke up with a very sore throat and drainage. My body also felt like it had been used as a trampoline for a hoard of angry toddlers. I knew I was going to feel the workout, but I could not distinguish what was that and what was the ache of sickness. I ate a good breakfast of 4 eggs and lots of water and pushed on. I figured I should go right ahead and get the vitamins and probiotics that Clay had recommended. For the sake of ease they sell them at the gym, so that's nice, that way you can be sure you are getting the right thing. As the day continued I could really start to feel the aches in my thighs and back. But my neck and shoulders ached and i felt that was sickness.
I was determined that I would not be thrown off. I went to the grocery store to build my arsenal of super foods. As I strolled through I checked in with Clay who was more than happy to advise on some of my choices. I went away with a cart full of fruits like, strawberry's, blueberries, pineapple and grapefruits as well as bundles of spinach and lettuce. I picked up some wild caught sockeye salmon and some steaks. Clay had suggested walking as much as possible on the days between our meetings. So i had called my wife and told her to strap in the boys for a stroll around the neighborhood. It was a great idea and I could feel my muscles start to stretch out and feel better. After we got back I could feel my sickness really starting to heighten. I cooked some steaks and ate a steak salad. Then had a super hot shower to try and ease the muscles and burn out the looming illness. However as I sat on the couch I could feel the chills. Honestly mixed with the muscle pain from the workout I felt pretty terrible. I put on some thermals, told myself to think positively and went to bed to let this thing ride out. It was a rough night and I had to keep telling myself I was not going to let this happen now. And by this morning I felt considerably better! Another hot, hot shower, a freshly squeezed grapefruit and four eggs cooked in coconut oil and I feel back on track!
Now my muscles do still ache and I will be taking walks throughout the day to prevent stiffness. I will probably take it a little easy tonight with Clay to try and prevent a relapse. But I really, really want to do this right and to get healthy. I don’t know what was the most effective thing that helped, but the one very noticeable effect was the change I felt when I changed my own attitude. I will have to remember that tonight when Clay is putting me through my paces!
On to day 3 - and my second workout.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 1 Nutrition & Workout (with Clay)

I met with Clay this evening for our first session. We spent sometime discussing what i currently eat, drink and take in as far as medications etc. I told him i am erratic with my foods but can be extremely healthy and also quite unhealthy. I do not take any medications. We also discussed vitamins and probiotics. Clay gave me a list of foods on varying lists - these tell me what i can eat. Clay is beginning to wean me down to a 3-day green smoothie fast, which they call the reset. Then they intend to build me back up from there. I need to get better vitamins and start taking some probiotics. Clay also personally thought removing grains for me might help with my intended fat loss so we are going to explore that. I could tell Clay not only knew his stuff, but was also genuinely excited about it and sharing it.We also took all my measurements to see where i am now.

Height: 5,8"
Weight: 204 lbs
Body Fat: 23.6
BMI: 30.4

We then wasted no time and moved to the gym. In the past when i wanted to cut some weight i would run, run and run some more. It eventually worked, but i was never left with a great over all muscle tone. The workout i just did to begin the fat burning process was light years away from a jog around the park. Clay took me through a set of 10 different exercises that i did back to back for one minute, doing as many reps as possible. The moves were a combinations of squats, thrusts, lifts, and generally full body movements that seemed to trigger every muscle in me. It was hard, but doable and Clay encouraged but also made me feel comfortable to go at my pace. I managed to do the first set and only began to feel nauseous about 3/4 of the way through it. The second way through i lowered my weights i was using and pushed through to almost the end. I was a sweaty, burning, happy mess by the end. I knew that this was the kind of workout i would not do on my own. I could tell it is what i needed. I was triggering so many more muscle groups and obviously burning calories like no run i had done before.

My legs now burn and my body is adjusting to working out again. Clay told me to try and get in some good walks on the days off and i think my body will be glad for that today. I am now going to post my Day 1 picture and also mark on my list of 7 key points:

1. Mood - overall im good, excited about this change. But i do have problems with consistency of mood.
2. Energy - Im pretty sluggish most of the time.
3. Sleep - I sleep on and off ok - i do have a baby and a toddler though. I do think i get tired from fatigue rather than exertion.
4. Joints/pain - I have neck and shoulder pain regularly. I would also say ankles sometimes and i had a hip disease when i was young and have occasional issue with it. I will be interested to see how this is effected.
5. Weight - Well at 202lbs this is by far the heaviest i have been. I look forward to doing all i can to start dropping this.
6. Stress - I would say i feel a fair amount of stress. I am coming into a more upbeat time in my life so that mixed with this new start with LFA is certainly helping. I think again i am hoping for a more steady control of stress and energy.
7. Digestion - My digestion has always been erratic and frankly thats irritating to me. I am really hoping to see improvement here.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Beginning of '12 Weeks 2 Life'

Two weeks ago I approached the team at Life Academy Fitness with a challenge. That challenge was me. I had managed to reach the heaviest and most out of shape, i had been in my 30-years of living. I had a laundry list of excuses, but i knew they should not prevent me from being healthy. So yes i have a job, two kids, a big house to maintain and not to mention a strong affinity for beer. I have always fluctuated in levels of fitness, i have never used a personal trainer, and i have been pretty sure i did not need one. But somehow that inconsistency and my self-assured ability to do this alone did not seem to add up any longer. So i went to Terry, the owner and head trainer at L.F.A. to ask if he thought in 12 weeks he could not only turn my health, habits and fitness around, but set me up for this change for life. He looked me up and down nervously (not really - that's for dramatic effect) He jumped on it excitedly! And thus was born the "12 Weeks 2 Life" experiment.

I have agreed to follow all instruction on exercise and nutrition. I will be working with as many of the L.F.A team as possible and using their classes and facilities to experience as much as i can. I will try to be as honest as i can and to give an insight into the journey. I am extremely excited to begin, i am nervous about what is ahead but i am very ready to be healthy again!

Over the next 12 weeks i will be photographing myself and some of the foods and workouts along the way. I will write blogs about my days and i will also be monitoring changes in 7 main areas:

1. Mood
2. Energy
3. Sleep
4. Joints/pain
5. weight
6. Stress
7. Digestion

Tonight is my first session with Clay. I will be posting my "before" photograph tonight and giving a run down of Day 1 on my 12 week journey - I look forward to sharing it with you all!

If any of this has resonated with you be sure to contact any of the team at L.F.A. they will be ready to encourage and support you on your journey to improved health.  http://www.lifefitness-academy.com/

Mark aka The Guinea Pig